What is Lighthouse?
The Lighthouse is an accredited After-School Program that offers middle and high school aged-youth academic support, evening meals, and enrichment/recreational activities during non-school hours, Monday through Friday, twelve months a year. It is vitally important for youth to have a safe harbor during the high risk, after-school hours. The Lighthouse After-School Program goal is to increase the likelihood of high school graduation of middle and high school-aged youth by providing high quality programming.
For approximately $495 per year, one teenager receives all Lighthouse services including academic support, a healthy evening meal, counseling, mentoring, and a variety of structured enrichment/recreational activities. By providing these preventive services, each teen is more likely to stay in school, stay out of the juvenile justice system, and become a successful young adult.
By comparison, based on the average length of stay, it costs $6,240 per year for a teenager to stay at the youth detention center.
Financial Support allows Lighthouse to continue to provide a welcoming, safe-harbor facility and qualified staff to help our youth succeed.

“I liked getting help with school work and being there knowing I’m safe.”