Brandon McWilliams


StrengthsFinder Coach

I was born and raised in Lincoln, NE and graduated from Lincoln High School in 2006. After graduation I attended multiple universities chasing the dream of playing football until I landed at Concordia University. While at Concordia, one of my professors/mentors challenged me to apply my effort to the classroom and focus less on the field. I graduated with my highest GPA ever and a degree in psychology.

After college, I moved back to Lincoln and started my own non-profit organization. My goal was to help youth identify their dreams and create a plan on how to reach their goals. I served youth at detention centers and in select Lincoln Schools. I became a Clifton StrengthsFinder coach and began creating programs for youth to fully understand their natural talents. In 2015, I became the Executive Director of the organization and had the opportunity to gain mentorship from Lighthouse Director Bill Michener.

During my meetings with Bill, I got introduced to Lighthouse. I really enjoyed the staff and environment of Lighthouse. I eventually joined the Lighthouse team and am now serving here as a StrengthsFinder coach. I run strengths programs with the Lighthouse youth, team, and youth who are currently at JDC.